It should be understood, believed, and embraced that the video game, as a medium, (alongside other forms of creative expression like music, film, and especially animation) is one of humanity's greatest creations. Sitting snugly alongside other forms of creative entertainment, video games introduced interactivity to television, while carrying the same "spirit of play" that traditional games had carried for centuries. The ability to bond and grow with other people through play, to share experiences together and form memories through virtual adventure.

I've always been obsessed with video games. Their history, how they work, the mechanics and the emotional resonance behind the experience of games, etc. To me games are one of the most enchanting forms of media in existence and few things in life are as precious as sharing time playing games with other people, whether it's co-op multiplayer, a competitive fighting game, or just leaning on an arcade cabinet watching someone play, it's an incredibly human thing.

Anyways, this page is dedicated to games and the specific games I really love. It's probably going to be trapped in an endless state of construction, but still.

table of contents

gaming history and opinion pieces

favorite games and other articles

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