Links, graphics, and other miscellaneous cool and interesting resources on the 'net.
An archive of clipart originally available for download from Microsoft in the early 2000s for use with Microsoft Office.
If you have any recollection of old Microsoft Word handouts you're probably familiar with two very popular styles of clip art- the lanky, stick-figure-esque Screen Bean, and the stick-legged bug-eyed Cybart. If you'd like to use either of these styles of clip art today you can find them easily in the MS Clipart search engine by searching for "screen beans" or "cybart" (and the search box will autocomplete the text for you).
Pictured above, the Screen Bean and the Cybart styles respectively.
A search engine dedicated to animated gifs used on archived Geocities sites.
101 textures taken from Graphic Textures, a CD-ROM texture collection from 1995 by Essex Interactive Media. Can be used as backgrounds, icons, avatars, etc. Converted to PNG from TIFF, the original ISO can be found here.
Generates 3D text/titles with various font and animation options.
BloggifGenerates titles with animated textures.
Alters the way text is rendered to simulate the style of text rendering used in Mac OS X.
Adds support for additional thumbnails in Windows Explorer for various video format filetypes such as .webm.
Open-source image viewing software that blows the default Windows photo viewer out of the water in both stability and functionality.
An extremely powerful and efficient adblocker available for a number of browsers that can shut out trackers and malware.
An extension that enlarges images when hovered over. Available for Firefox and Chrome.
Search Neocities sites using VHSearch.
A free and feature-rich Photoshop alternative for your browser.
Thought-provoking articles on software and internet privacy, human rights, and our impending doom.
An informative collection of articles on privacy-invading programs and applications.
Ever find a cool font online and discover the only way to get it is to pay an arm and a leg to a licensing site? Here's a fun trick to impress your friends- fire up your favorite search engine and type in the font name followed by ".ttf gíthub" and hit enter. In most cases this should result in at least one link to a project on Gíthub that uses the font you're looking for, where you can download the TTF file directly from there and install it to your computer.
Note that I've replaced all the lowercase "i" characters above with accented "í" characters instead. You're gonna wanna correct that if you just copy and paste the ".ttf gíthub" text above.
Links to where you can grab clean, archived data for various old out-of-print video games.
An archive of game data for a huge list of cartridge-based video game consoles. Requires an account to download. For specific console collections, give this link a look.
Clean, archived game data for disc-based video game consoles like the PSX, Saturn, and GC.
A great resource for recommended, accurate emulators and emulation software.
Bios files for various systems.
Bios files for arcade systems specifically.
Even more bios files.
A gallery of retro video game title screens. A good source for inspiration and reference.
An online simulation of SAM, an early text-to-speech program for the C64. Also contains a download for a Windows executable version.
Shishka's Dance Dance Revolution Shrine
Shishka's DDR shrine, detailing a memory card fix for the PlayStation versions.
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